Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Cleaning Lady Picks Up Blogs. She 'Blogs.'

A) I need to compose more. I can't wait to get a new place with my own room again, so I can set up my massive writing/editing/animating/composing lab and Frankenstein out some new creative media concoctions. (Bwahahaha!)

B) <- This looks like a smiley wearing sunglasses.

C) I picked up a brief stint at Comic-Con this year as a photographer's assistant on Morgan Spurlock's documentary (he did Super Size Me and Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden, you may remember). Comic-Con was AWE-SOME!!!- ...but I need to go back again next year so I can hit the panels, pick up freebies, wear costumes, and do tons of other cool stuff with the armies of nerds attending each year.

D) My new musical, NEEDLEMOUSE, just won me a week-long trip to Tokyo, Japan! Sega sponsored a Sonic the Hedgehog 4 promotional film contest, and judges from America, the UK, and Japan ultimately selected my film as the North American grand prize winner! Nate co-directed with me and we just got our paperwork in to Sega. Now all that's left is to pick which week we want to book our flight and meet up with Sonic Team at Sega headquarters overseas! And tell you me this: I've THIRSTED for the chance to visit Japan for ages. Thirsted like a were-wolf thirsts for the blood of a virgin. Only more than that. I'm still all wound up about it and can hardly imagine what it'll be like to leave the States for a week and tour around Japan on somebody else's corporate bill. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh! (if you're reading this and you supported the film during the contest, thank you!)

E) I've got a new DVD collection I'm trying to race through production on now containing most of my old films. The catch is that if I work quickly, I can actually work my second-ever feature film into it... which remains only a quarter edited. Given it needs massive voice-over and rotoscoping work, trying to pound it out entirely in weeks may be impossible... but I'm stoked to have purpose to try anyway!

F) Oh, yeah, and Nate and I also just shot a super-teaser for our upcoming horror film 'THE BEARD 2' yesterday. It turned out pretty epic... Everything The Beard (1) had and was, to the T. A major concern we've had in writing the sequel was giving it a thorough monster movie feel by fleshing out the story elements while still remaining faithful to the qualities the first movie expressed most: humor, simplicity, momentum, and light-heartedness. With Nate's help, I've been penning out some new material and twisted a couple old ideas to fit both sets of criteria, and it's beginning to truly look and feel like a Beard movie... enhanced! We're putting it out for a Halloween web release, so there should be plenty of time to toy with the film before it's finished.

G) Forgot, I also saw an advanced screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World with director Edgar Wright in the audience (Q&A afterwords). That's where the blog title's quoted from.

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