Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bibbity Bloggity Boo!

It's not that I don't want to blog. Honestly, I do. It's that I don't got time.

So I've recently been on the production of The Lie, an independent feature based on short story by T.C. Boyle and starring Joshua Leonard (The Blair Witch Project, Hump Day). LOOOOOONG hours, LOOOOOOW pay, but otherwise rewarding in its own right. There's some great people on crew and we've already hit some legendary locations (including an overnight shoot at the REAL Camp Crystal Lake from Friday the 13th, Part 3). And the best part is my short animation ("The Nosy Spider") is featured in one scene. Now THAT'S exposure! That all said, though, part of me isn't sure what to think anymore about movies.

This is a lot of trouble for a mostly-improvised movie, with no explosions or car chases or gun fights. How much more daunting can one of those movies be?

Enter animation. The golden format. No actors; no cameras; no lights. No laws of physics. No safety precautions. No location permits. Just cute characters, family fare, silly scripts, and fast-track 3D. And at a third of the cost of Spider-Man. Now that's what I call movie-making.

Gad, I need to get Flash back...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Do You Understand The Words That Are Coming Out Of My Blog?

Greetings from the NEW MAC!

Awwww yeah. OS X 10.6.1 now, and looking SHARP in black keys and trim. Also boosted processing power and hard disk space, which makes a man extra happy. And updated copies of Final Cut, Compressor, Motion, Color, DVD Studio, and even Garage Band? Looks like Santa's been down MY chimney...

(No perverse comments to that)

And of course, with great power comes great blogs. I mean, responsibility. Now that I've got an upgraded Mac and some software to run, it's time to get back into the video vaults and edit new material. Nothing's gotten started yet, but once my music library is back up and running, I'll take on a few new projects (and a lot of old ones).

Also, I've been on set this week -- or rather, building what will become the set -- and it's looking optimistic for continued future work. Making lots of contacts who are busy with their own films and looking for help, so I may finally have a mobile web to bounce from one picture to the next. Let's hope this business doesn't slow down any further, or I could go senior citizen before I make it to the director's chair...