Monday, September 27, 2010

I Can't Wait To Kick Some Romulan Blog!

I have nothing important to say today. That's probably why I'm blogging, after all.

Just got back from the iCarly wrap party. I'm so incredibly awkward at social events. I think it's cause I don't know enough people. Plus I need a date, so I can at least pretend I feel popular. Whatever, I improved from the Victorious wrap party, where I literally knew four people in the building. I even got hugged by Ariana Grande ("Cat" on Victorious) before she left. She definitely didn't know me. Glad she feels comfortable hugging strangers (I get the vibe she hugs an awful lot of people she doesn't know...)

We hit a bar afterwards (the ADs and production team, anyway. The kids went home, for obvious reasons). I finally got the chance to buy Danny Gomez a drink for all the times he's gotten my back and kept me busy. Unfortunately, he didn't want any specific drink, and the bartender (bartendress?) gave me loads of crap about picking something specific. I think she ultimately got him a sissy drink. I TOLD HER I wanted something "with a kick." Lesson learned, I need to start drinking.

PS: What do drinks cost, anyway? I told her I had a ten. In retrospect, I probably looked like an idiot. But seriously, Bar Lady, ten bucks can buy two terrible horror movies for a DVD collection, or it can be used on a glass of something somebody will pee out three hours later. Let's get our priorities straight.

Also, I've been feeling recently guilty about how slow my animation progress has gotten. How did I ever complete things like Three And A Half, Christmas Tree Bandit, and I'm Captain Falcon so quickly? I can't judge really whether the animation has gotten more complicated or not; all I know is that this single short has taken me forever, and I've barely gotten all the characters on screen yet. Meanwhile, I have about twenty more episodes building up in my head still that I CAN'T MAKE until I finish this one first, and then the others in the proper order. What a BIG _ BLOODY _ SHAME.

Oh, yeah. And Eisenstein. Ever since wrapping iCarly, I've started seriously writing a web series for our miraculous skeleton puppet, who frequently troubles his roommate with dastardly schemes and malicious intentions. These are bringing out the better writing side of me. It may just be the character (I often claim that he writes himself), or it might be having the appropriate inspiration (just coming off of working for a laugh track-driven sitcom), or even just being at a creatively good place (in between "slumps," perhaps). Regardless, we're ready to start shooting some of these, EXCEPT... I don't know who should play Eisenstein's roommate. :<

I'll be frank: I've been writing the part all along with visions of myself in the role (his roommate is even named "AJ" in the script), but I drool sometimes at the thought of actually getting a really GOOD actor to play the part instead. Production-wise, though, I'm scared to involve anyone else significantly in the series yet, since outside actors are destined to be less reliable to work with. I can pretty much guarantee an episode being shot every weekend if the title roles are played by myself and a puppet. So we'll see. :/

And that's that for the night. Go find some better blogs to read.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yeah, Well My Bloggage Doesn't Try To Kill Me Every Five Minutes...

Just a quick update, since it's 3 in the morning and I'm out early tomorrow!

September's been quiet... A little *too* quiet. Frankly, I find the whole business shady and disturbing. Like something big is going down...

I've been relatively workless lately, which is very unfortunate given my new apartment a) costs slightly more per month to live in, b) needed some new equipment purchased, like a fridge, and c) had half a month's extra security deposit required. So without that extra income, I'm pressuring my bank account hardcore, and it's NOT _ LIKING _ IT.

Applied to a job yesterday for the web series "Ask A Ninja." They wanted a comedy writing sample in addition to the standard resume/cover-letter, so I dumped them my old Christian Bale rant script, then threw together the sloppiest, least professional cover letter I've ever written. In the style of a ninja, of course. The idea was that rather than being a boring 20-something looking for work, I was a fanatical ninja maniac who happened to have a sharp grasp of comedy. Judging from the way they didn't ever call me, I'm thinking my plan sorta failed. >_<

I'm keeping quite busy with a few side projects, one being editing a new comedy series for a college friend who just started a deal up with a New York humor blog. I also issued the same challenge to my roommate that I tried to push a year ago: shooting one new film every single weekend, in order to keep sharp and productive at all times. Not that either of us are neither of those things; we're both insanely crafty and diligent, but I figure if we're not using our skills to put out new material for the world, then we're SQUANDERING OPPORTUNITY! So better to rush through film after film and keep cranking out projects than to do a lot of talking and never really accomplish anything physical. However, that means time spent on great things like writing and developing will be much harder to find. :/ Maybe we'll make a trade-off for that later. Our first film, HANS GETS THE KICK, is just nearing completion now.

I do hope I get the inspiration to resume animating soon. As much as I need money and as many projects as I have to edit, I really want to see solid and effective progress made in my cartoons, especially since finishing just one more -- especially THIS one -- will likely push me over the edge to start getting some credible attention paid. To go fully serious, I'll need to pay for a real animator, I think... but for now, I just have to prove that I'm BANKABLE in directing great stories with these characters. And, fortunately, the only hinderance to proving I'm bankable is the physical (tedious) process of completing enough cartoons. :/ I know the work is good, every time.

^Most arrogant statement of my life.

You guys own a Wii? I like mine. It's good fun. But I've recently found it has a problem with erasing my GameCube memory cards. Not erasing, actually, but corrupting data. It's really, really obnoxious, particularly in that it's now corrupted data on 3 of my 4 cards (2 being Nintendo's own brand). Twice, the cards affected have been my STORE EVERYTHING cards (i.e. the most spacious models), so that equates to an awful lot of game saves that have gone down the tubes a few too many times. And frankly, if I can't keep my game data from session to session, then a lot of games are no fun to play at all. -_- I'm hoping that turning my Wii on its side will prevent heat from escaping out the top (and thereby corrupting the cards?). I'll let you know if I find an improvement with it set on its side.