*Sigh*. One week. Just enough time to wrap out Batman and Spider-Man Save Christmas, maybe. I dunno what to do about the voices. Nobody's available enough to dub them all in. Nobody but me (and the one-voice-fits-all only applies to cartoons, by the way, and Eddie Murphy movies). Another bridge to cross when I arrive at it, I guess. I'm gonna set myself a goal and try to insert all the music -- all of it -- into the movie by tonight. Force some action, see where it heads.
I got a call today about new transcription jobs that have come in from the agency. Hallelujia. That means a little more money, and possibly even a trickle of income, for moving to Los Angeles. But that also means spending my time listening to recordings about proper business etiquette and not about Batman and Spider-Man escaping a toxic phone booth. You win some, you lose some, I suppose.
I've also been going over my new "industry" resume, because I was informed that companies would rather see volume of work, rather than descriptions. "Good for me," I thought, "I've got a ton of films to list." Except the more thought I've given this new resume, the more paranoid I am to include titles like "Batman and Spider-Man Save Christmas" on it. Seriously, will anyone at Warner Brothers take me seriously once I have a movie with a name like that listed on my resume? And what really ticks me off -- this is the best part -- is that if they only knew what the film looks like, they WOULD take me seriously! MUCH more seriously! Because as dumb and phony as it sounds, that film took WORK and AMBITION -- a lot more than you see in the average "Cigars and Suicide" or "Ryan's Last Rights" or "The Sneakers That Grandma Wore." Cause a film like Batman and Spider-Man isn't just a couple goofy kids giggling and running around in red and black t-shirts; this is tights and capes and cars and explosions and choreography and rotoscoping- Dismissing something like this is dismissing a piece of work that took a LOT more genius and creativity than the run-of-the-mill depressing student film so many resumes are full of. So it pains me to be omitting pieces like that, just because of the name.
Maybe I'll "tentatively rename" it to something simple, like 'Saving Christmas,' and include it anyway.
Now to think up names for "Revenge of the Banana" and "Saw Zer0."
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