Happy holidays from Hancock International Airport in Syracuse, New York. My stinkin' puddle jumper seems to have spurred its last spaw, because my flight's been delayed. Hopefully not too late, or I'll miss my connection in Philadelphia, arrive late in Los Angeles, hang up my transportation, not pick up the dog I'm sitting, etc. etc. So it's a little bit imperative that somebody figures something out and we all get where we're trying to go.
Given that it's very nearly 2010, I think it's time to take a look back through the year and see what went right and what went wrong. So here goes.
JANUARY: I moved to Los Angeles, though still a student, and began studying with ICLA. I took up an internship with Open Road Films, and wound up with a boom mike and a really solid crew credit on their upcoming feature film, Bold Native.
FEBRUARY: Lived at Oakwoods and loved the sun and 80 degrees. Also enjoyed my first In-n-Out Burger and Bob's Big Boy (perhaps a little *too* much). Also sorted out the bus system swiftly.
MARCH: March is the first-ever International Nicolas Cage Day, which me and my colleagues enjoyed. I lost my phone, but gained Guitar Hero. It completed me. I also almost got thrown out of my apartment for lighting an alien ship on fire in the yard. Apparently they take open flames extremely seriously in California.
APRIL: I met Cory Edwards in person for lunch, and we had a good talk. Also shot my last Rootclip, which performed pathetically (despite being made overnight in a matter of hours). I also performed my Nicolas Cage impression for the writer of his film, Face/Off, but accidentally busted out Hayden Christiansen instead and made a total fool of myself. Fail.
MAY: I came back to New York and graduated. My degree is fairly worthless, but I miss Ithaca College, anyway. I also got word that Kelly Services had more (high-paying) transcription for me, that would last all summer, but it turns out it didn't.
JUNE: An unsuccessful month of trying to get work. Nate scored a job that kept him quite busy, ruining my hopes and dreams of shooting a solid indie feature. I wrap up The Fungus-Ridden Collection Volume 3.
JULY: Another depressing month of no work. Though I apply for basic positions, my ability to be hired deteriorates with the oncoming departure date for California.
AUGUST: The wildest month of my life, possibly. I moved to California. I gave away my parrot in an unexpected twist. I lived with Allen DiBenedetto for two weeks. I documented it all.
SEPTEMBER: My first month in LA. My housemates and I settled on a home, which was immediately burgled the night after moving in. My computer and some other electronics were taken. I began a job hunt, which (I didn't realize at the time) would continue for the remainder of the year. Also, my car dies.
OCTOBER: I got hired onto 'The Lie' as a professional production assistant, which was much different from what I had expected. I got very little sleep, lost a lot of weight, and discovered a new appreciation for everything in my life that had nothing to do with filmmaking. I also attended the wrap party with the rest of the cast and crew, and suddenly felt like it was all worth it. I also got my first-ever speeding ticket, for about $400.
NOVEMBER: Twentieth Century Fox TV hired me as a production assistant for their upcoming pilot, 'Keep Hope Alive.' I went in to fill out paperwork and lend a hand around the office for a couple days. I also received a copy of Flash, which I immediately started animating with.
DECEMBER: Dad fell out of a tree and fractured his hip, and Keep Hope Alive informed me that I would not PA on their show after all. The Falcon Punchathon raised record amounts of money, and I scored interviews and prospective positions with movie trailer companies. I visited home for the holidays, caught up mildly with friends, and came back to LA on New Year's Eve to ring in 2010.
Swell recap, right? A little boring maybe, but it's old news anyway. People on Facebook have read far more detailed accounts from my original LA journal entries. And besides, we all know I'm really just killing time waiting for an airplane to arrive.