I have my questions how many of you will even find the material, but I think it was still worth it just to add the potential for treasure hunting and finding something cool.
On another note--
I just counted out the weeks tonight until I move to LA. It was 8. Eight weeks until New York is no longer my legal home. It kind of feels impossible that I'm already at that point in life where you, um, stop being a kid and start being an adult. And this college-in-three-years thing is still throwing me off, too. I'm totally in the mindset of going back to school and being obnoxiously carefree and infantile for another nine months. Fortunately, I've made the realization that I'm definitely not getting more "mature" -- people are just trusting my responsibility more. I'd say that's a fair trade.
I keep thinking about these kids from college that I'll never see again. The good news is, a lot of graduates in the film program end up moving to LA, so there's a wonderful chance that I'll re-encounter (if not work professionally with) a lot of Ithaca College kids and ex-Parkies (I'm living with a bunch of them). And then, odds are high that I'll run into old classmates coming out for a semester of study-abroad, as early as one week after I move there myself. But then, what about the kids who already went to Los Angeles (maybe with me, even?) What about the ones who are skipping LA to study elsewhere instead? What if they don't want to move to California when they finish school? I sort of feel bad, thinking about how unseriously I took saying goodbyes and tying up loose ends.
Probably a defense mechanism. Easier to pretend I'll run into anybody anytime I want than to imagine I may be saying bye for the last time. Easier, but not as realistic...
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